9:30 a.m.
1021 O Street, Room 1200

All witness testimony will be in person. There will be no teleconference service for this hearing.

MEASURES HEARD IN FILE ORDERMeasure:Author:Summary:S.B.No. 964Seyarto.Property tax: tax-defaulted property sales.S.B.*No. 1031Wiener.San Francisco Bay area: local revenue measure: transportation improvements.S.B.No. 1227Wiener.Real property development: San Francisco: downtown revitalization zone: welfare tax exemption and California Environmental Quality Act exemption and streamlining.S.B.No. 1135Limón.Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: income taxes: credit.S.B.No. 1362Newman.Qualified ABLE Program: CalABLE accounts: funding.S.B.No. 1013Bradford.Taxation: Property Tax Assistance for Descendants of Enslaved Persons.S.B.No. 1035Ashby.Criminal procedure: fines, fees, and restitution.S.B.No. 1494Glazer.Local agencies: Sales and Use Tax: retailers. (Urgency)S.B.No. 1527Committee on Revenue and Taxation.Property taxation: exemption: low-value properties and tribal housing. (Tax Levy)S.B.No. 1528Committee on Revenue and Taxation.California Department of Tax and Fee Administration.

*Pending Receipt