COMMITTEE AGENDA - Revenue and Taxation

9:30 a.m.
1021 O Street, Room 1200
MEASURES HEARD IN FILE ORDERMeasure:Author:Summary:A.B.No. 1828Waldron.Personal income taxes: voluntary contributions: Endangered and Rare Fish, Wildlife, and Plant Species Conservation and Enhancement Account: Native California Wildlife Rehabilitation Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund: covered grants.A.B.No. 1868Friedman.Property taxation: assessments: affordable housing.A.B.No. 1983Maienschein.Income taxes: voluntary contributions: Prevention of Animal Homelessness and Cruelty Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund.A.B.No. 2197Addis.Personal income taxes: Protect Our Coast and Oceans Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund.A.B.No. 2689Bains.Personal income taxes: California Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Research Voluntary Tax Contribution Fund.A.B.No. 2979Mike Fong.Income taxation: exclusion: victim compensation. (Tax Levy)A.B.No. 3287Committee on Revenue and Taxation.Electronic notifications.A.B.No. 3288Committee on Revenue and Taxation.Property taxation: tax-defaulted property sales: objections and excess proceeds.A.B.No. 3289Committee on Revenue and Taxation.Taxation: tax expenditures: information.A.J.R.No. 15Irwin.State and local tax (SALT) deduction limitation: repeal.