All Senate Floor Sessions and most Committee Hearings can be viewed from the Senate Archive page. An MP4 file download is available for users giving them the option to burn a DVD using their own software and computer.
The Senate can make a DVD copy of a produced Senate Floor Session or Committee hearing if it happened within the previous month. To order a DVD copy, you need to know the date and name of the Committee where the bill was heard or date of the floor session. (You can check the Histories or call the author's office if you need to find a date.) Non produced events are only available via the Senate Archive page.
We charge $10 for every 2-hour DVD. If the event you want lasted three hours, for example, the charge would be $20. If it lasted 30 minutes, the charge would be $10. We also charge the cost of postage if we have to mail it to you. Or you can give us your FedEx number and we will FedEx it to you. We only accept checks (no purchase orders, credit cards or cash) and we need the check in hand before we send you your DVD.
Call (916) 651-4193 with the name and date of the event in which you are interested.
Send a check made out to SENATE RULES COMMITTEE for the correct amount to:
Senate Television
State Capitol, Room 5099
Sacramento, California 95814
**Include your mailing address and FedEx number (if appropriate) with your check. The turnaround time for dubs is usually five working days.
The California State Senate has been televising its proceedings since March, 1992. VHS format tapes of Senate floor sessions and Committee hearings are available for viewing or purchase at the State Archives.
FIRST, call the Senate Television Program (916) 651-4193 to see if the particular event you are interested in was, in fact, televised. (We televise all floor sessions and most - but not all - committee hearings).
SECOND, contact the State Archives to arrange for a time to come view the tapes you are interested in.
State Archives
1020 O Street
Sacramento, California 95814
(916) 653-2246